Thu 21 Jan 2016 | 04:54
Another mass brawl in France leaves referee with no option


This crazy fight took place in France on the weekend, as chaos broke out following a little push at a scrum. Federale 1 is two leagues below the main Top 14, and as we've seen in the not too distant past, it's no surprise to see the occasional mass brawl kicking off.

Tensions were clearly high as it didn't take a whole lot to spark things.

And once it started, it was all in. Even the backs can be seen hovering around, with some of the pacific islanders in particular getting stuck in.

After everybody joined in and it continued for quite some time, the referee and his officials decided that the two players who started it were the only ones they could fairly punish.

Even after being carded, the two props hadn't cooled down, and it threatened to continue as they walked off the pitch. Thankfully sanity prevailed, or they were restrained at least.

The game between Romans (USRP) and Aubenas (RCAV) took place in front of 3500 fans, with the Romans winning 34-8 in the end.

Last month a spear tackle sparked a huge brawl in Federale 1 too.

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credit: Mistral TV Drôme Ardèche


  • 10stonenumber10
    11:06 AM 24/01/2016

    Lower league rugby: a modern day bastion of fair play, respect, and discipline.

    Rugby is fake anyway, they only commit fouls for the cameras and audience

  • jimmy23
    11:53 AM 22/01/2016

    "They also sacrifice snails and frogs at full moon"

    I bloody knew it....

  • colombes
    9:31 AM 22/01/2016

    Maybe because they live in a socialist country with a fair repartition of "pains" from the top14 to the lowest district tournaments.
    They also sacrify snails and frogs at full moon.

    That said, Federale 1 (4th french division) often offers this kind of 99 calls.
    2 red cards and live goes on.

  • drg
    8:55 AM 22/01/2016

    There is no evidence of any other fights in French rugby history....

  • drg
    8:54 AM 22/01/2016

    How xenophobic, this is nothing to do with French rugby... There is no trend here... In fact

  • mozz87
    8:47 AM 22/01/2016

    What is it with French players??? Are they just that aggressive? Or are they using the 99 call "one in all in" style to avoid getting sent off? Either way, hard to distinguish French rugby from street fighting sometimes.

  • drg
    8:03 PM 21/01/2016

    Blue 8 needed to go...

    To be honest referee of sent half a dozen from each side off and the rest of them could have just got on with a over subscribed 7's game...

  • stroudos
    6:56 PM 21/01/2016

    Did I hear someone shout "Quatre-vingt-dix-neuf les gars!!" just after the initial front row shove? ;)

    White 12 is like a kid on Christmas Day, bouncing about from one scuffle to the next. Bloody loving it isn't he??