Fri 4 May 2012 | 05:13
Friday Funnies - Incredible winning try scored off multiple post rebounds


This week's Funnies clip comes from a lower grade rugby game, possibly in Australia, and that's about all we can tell you. It's only a few seconds long and is freaky by nature, and reenforces that old adage that you should always chase a penalty kick.

Over the past few years similar clips have been featured, when tries are scored from players following up a penalty kick attempt, and the ball rebounds off the post or crossbar.

In September of last year we saw wing David Smith do it for Toulon against Biarritz, a few months earlier Ryan Cross did it for the Waratahs in Super Rugby, and two years ago Ollie Phillips picked up a rebound for Stade Francais against Racing Metro.

Perhaps one of the more famous ones, at least here on RD, was the Clyff Mytton try against Perpignan in 1998. In terms of bizarre-factor, none of those come close to this one, as the ball bounced off both the crossbar and the post, more than once, before being collected for the try. 

If anybody has any further info about it and can share where this happened, who scored it, what year, etc, please do leave a comment below or get in touch via email.

On a related note, thanks to the Twitter follower who made us aware of the clip, and thanks to the Guardian website for spotting and sharing it in their blog section.


  • moddeur
    10:48 AM 06/05/2012

    Wow, simply wow!

  • jeri
    1:06 PM 05/05/2012

    Hahaha, this should be archived for posterity

  • mendorugger
    11:25 PM 04/05/2012

    wtf. wow amazing. some guys just make their own luck

  • rugbywrapup
    8:15 PM 04/05/2012

    That is outstanding! And there's a future star, what with his presence of mind to race after the kick and pounce! Nice get, gang!