Fri 5 Oct 2012 | 03:14
Friday Funnies - Sione Kalamafoni penalised for hurdling a tackler


Whether it's a strong hand-off, sidestep, or raw speed, there are various ways to beat a tackler. Gloucester number eight Sione Kalamafoni had another idea last weekend against London Welsh, but it didn't go down too well with the official. 

The big Tongan loose forward's human hurdle attempt was executed perfectly. The problem was execution is exactly what could have happened, as his flying boots came pretty close to taking out at least one of the opposition players.

Most of the time when this happens a penalty is the result. Shane Williams got away with side-step-jumping once, but on this occasion referee Llyr Apgeraint-Roberts ruled against it.

"You cannot jump over a tackle.. you run, don't jump," was his explanation after seeing London Welsh scrumhalf Tyson Keats' flailing arms in an attempt to tackle the flying forward.

Is jumping into/over a tackle illegal in terms of the law?

Not specifically, but it's dangerous for both the jumper and those around him. Law 10.4 covers Dangerous Play, with section (k) covering "Acts contrary to good sportsmanship."

It states that a player must not do anything against the spirit of good sportsmanship. So while jumping into a tackle isn't categorically covered, it is down to the referee's interpretation of what is seen to be dangerous, and he is entitled to penalise it if he feels player safety was compromised.

Ten points for the effort from Kalamafoni anyway.


  • darabman
    9:34 PM 08/10/2012

    Tell me if you've heard this one before ;) /qvuNDYjoyRU?t=56s

  • ronan
    11:25 PM 07/10/2012

    horse of a man............ : )

  • kadova
    8:29 PM 07/10/2012

    Don't worry, he's talkig about something else, trying to start a fight with us....and also forgetting we're far from being all english here in the North :)

  • pretzel
    5:14 PM 07/10/2012

    .....I don't get it.

  • pretzel
    4:03 AM 07/10/2012

    Disagree with you on the last point. Jumping to take a catch is totally different from jumping into a tackle...

  • stroudos
    8:40 PM 06/10/2012

    Ha ha, excellent!! Best comment on this thread by a long way.

  • pretzel
    2:02 PM 06/10/2012

    Oh yeh, I was thinking studs/boots in this scenario, I just meant in foul play when someone uses a fist to strike someone, or a forearm, elbow, or indeed a knee (as we have seen recently). But no mentioned of kicking someone with your shin...

    So perhaps that would have to come under "contrary to good sportsmanship" as it is "technically" not covered...

  • guy
    1:52 PM 06/10/2012

    Ha ha, technically you might be right. Maybe the shin is not mentioned because if you tackle real low, you put yourself at shin height? That doesn't explain why the knee IS mentioned... Maybe the rule makers have deemed it wise only to mention the body parts that seem logical to use in foul play.

    You know what that means: very soon the only body parts you can use for foul or dangerous play without getting punished, are the crown jewels ;-)

    To be honest I was not so much concerned with the shin. The scenario I had in mind was being hit in the face with 35 km/h by 8 2cm long studs, with 110 kg of meat attached to it. Sort of like being old-skool rucked in the face in mid air. That would give a big mess.

  • pretzel
    11:35 AM 06/10/2012

    Technically the law book talks about striking someone with the knee, the elbow, the forearm, the fist... I don't recall any quotes on striking someone with the shin... surely that means you should be allowed to "shin" someone in the face, don't you reckon guy lol :)

  • guy
    7:57 AM 06/10/2012

    Yeah, well, the rulebook also doesn't state that you can't use a pole vault to jump over a bunch of players and that's also enjoyable athletisism.

    Come to think of it:
    - it's no gouging if the victims eye is still in the socket;
    - it's not a dangerous tackle if the tackled player doesn't break his neck;
    - drink/driving should be legal as long as you don't run over any children.

  • pretzel
    1:24 AM 06/10/2012

    Law 10.4 covers dangerous play.. is that a blanket on ANYTHING the referee deems dangerous? I agree with others that this happens so infrequently that it would be a bit daft to waste time and money making another air tight law, or amendment... But I just wonder whether referee's can delve into the "what if's"... because as we saw, nothing came of this, everyone survived etc, so was it dangerous? The action COULD have been dangerous, but it wasn't dangerous... Splitting hairs I'm sure..

  • pretzel
    1:21 AM 06/10/2012

    Problem with that type of definition "if the boots don't go near anyone, it's all good" CC is that it opens it up for debate. So next week we see players hurdling people left right and centre, with perhaps a generous 50% making it, and 50% killing someone (ok, maybe not death, but it could have horrific consequences) so it is easier and somewhat safer if it is ruled Dangerous, or contrary to good sportsmanship etc, therefore people just DON'T do it...

    I agree that this one came off "fine" in the end, the 9 didn't lose his head, the 8 jumper didn't get flipped, and the final tackler didn't get flattened by "flying number 8"... however jumping into the "what if's" there is no way the jumper could have known it was going to all be fine.

  • 12:26 AM 06/10/2012

    Agree that this attempt was dangerous, there's players right in the vicinity. I saw rocky Elsom get a similar penalty in a test match against Fiji I think. I disagree that Shane's was dangerous and also disagree that it's dangerous in every circumstance. One on one, someone hurdles a fullback with no one else behind him and lands safely, is ok. But then again if the 15 puts his face up at the last second, we could see a horrific injury. But I say if the boots don't go near anyone, it's all good

  • darabman
    11:58 PM 05/10/2012

    Yeah, that sort of dodge is really dangerous in the tight, but it's such a rare occurrence that I'd be reluctant to call on making it illegal.
    Some of those little bits of cheeky evasive play give the game colour, as long as we don't simultaneously condone clumsy back-rowers thrashing their way through centre-field with all four limbs flailing away. Leave it to the backs :)

  • 9:08 PM 05/10/2012

    Yeah, it could have been dangerous if he gets his boots up in someone's face. But it also could have been bad for him if a tackler who's not expecting it clips his ankles mid-air and he falls on his neck. It was well handled though, ref just gives a penalty, short word to the player, player acknowledges and plays on. Super simple stuff

  • poccio
    8:01 PM 05/10/2012

    I understand how it's dangerous, but a part of me thinks it's a nice bit of skill and maybe it shouldn't be a penalty if executed perfectly as this...although that would make a lot of people attempt it and a lot would fail and injure other players badly, so I understand why it' banned but still it looks awesome!

  • pretzel
    7:40 PM 05/10/2012

    It annoyed me when I saw the video of Shane Williams doing it ages ago and not getting called up for it. Of course, I'm not baying for blood, I don't want a card shown and a subsequent ban, I just think this is dangerous and should be viewed as not a viable option to avoid a tackle. Dealt with well by the referee, glad to see it getting penalised. You could tell by the reaction of the scrum half that his life had flashed before his eyes..

  • arch21
    7:38 PM 05/10/2012

    what kind of number 8 jumps over a halfback though? run him over son!

  • guy
    7:35 PM 05/10/2012

    It does look spectacular...!

    That being said: I am surprised that there is no clear law against this. From this video it's quite easy to what the result good have been (injured tackler, potentially injured player).

    Now that being said: enter comments on how soft/boring/shit/etc. rugby is becoming and how much better Leaugue/Aussie Rules/American Football/soccer is and always has been.

  • lad
    7:34 PM 05/10/2012

    nice form