Wed 29 Feb 2012 | 03:14
Greg Martin rips into smart Tahs Tom Carter following dramatic Reds win


This week Waratahs back Tom Carter has taken a lot of flack for his onfield antics against the Reds shortly before they pulled off that last-gasp win in Sydney. Both Digby Ioane and pundit Greg Martin haven't held back in response.

As you've probably seen by now, the Reds scored a late try through Dom Shipperley to defeat the 'Tahs 25-21 after having trailed 21-18 with time up. 

Carter, who has a bit of a history of being fairly vocal on the field, reportedly had a go at Ioane as he lost possesion, seemingly giving the win to the home side. A few seconds later, and it was Ioane celebrating, leaving Carter, you guessed it, Red faced.

"The game is not over until it's over," Ioane said. "You don't yahoo like that when there are still 30 seconds to play. I couldn't believe the way he was carrying on."

Former Reds player and now commentator Greg Martin also had a go at Carter, airing his views on the Fox Sports show The Back Page. He stated that Carter 'copped what he deserved', going on to say that 'he's probably well-liked by his teammates, but that's about it.'

Obviously Carter was totally pumped up and is competitive to the nth degree - and there's nothing wrong with that - but in this case a little humility would have gone a long way, probably something all players should take note of, at all levels. Karma and all that.

You can view what Martin said on the show in the clip below, and there's another amusing video going around that also features Carter's antics, so you can watch that here.

Thanks to


  • 3:11 PM 03/03/2012

    Not that I think the video shouldnt been posted I'd think this clip just as poorly on the commentator than on the player, perhaps even more so. Carter had, as was previously described, a brain fart and made some dumb decisions during an intense game. These are often reactionary moments and although they do not reflect well on him, taking that amount of time to sit back and plan your personal insult reflects much more poorly on Martin. Criticizing someone for celebrating when his teammates score? Really, is that not the ethos of the game. This is attention seeking? Were the reds players who mobbed their teammate in the end zone equally guilty of the same thing? This outburst from martin was typical partisan stuff, simple and boring

  • irozish_micky
    4:31 AM 02/03/2012

    As a die-hard Waratahs fan I am in support of Marto's comments here. If Carter spent less time trying to gee up the opposition or turning a try celebration into a punch on then we would find ourselves better placed on the ladder. Not only did he have a go at Digby, but with 30 seconds to go (when a simply pick and drive would have been sufficient to win the game) he called for a box kick from Praetorius and didn't chase it down because he fell over. Absolute clown! Can't wait til the likes of Bernard Foley and other young talent come through so that idiots like this bloke spend more time on the bench

  • guy
    12:57 PM 01/03/2012

    Thanks for the reaction RD.

    Just to be clear, and I don't say this nearly as often as I should:

    Your site is FRIKKIN' AWESOME!!!! Absolutely a big fan of your work and through time it seems to be getting better and better.

  • rugbydump
    12:06 PM 01/03/2012

    @ Guy, It's just a matter of sharing the video with a large audience, some of which might enjoy it. Your observation however is correct, and the reason it isn't posted on the homepage. Thanks for the feedback though, much appreciated.

  • ak-nz
    10:09 PM 29/02/2012


    Although I did chuckle a bit because I thought he deserved to cop a bit of flak. Like others have said, he probably should keep his mouth shut next time, because truth be told, he's hardly an outstanding player. My mates and I thoroughly enjoyed the instant karma of the Reds scoring from that completely ill-advised kick at the end of the game. But I don't think he deserves to be torn a new one because of a little brain explosion on the pitch. If the 'Tahs had won the match, we probably wouldn't even be talking about this.

  • guy
    8:38 PM 29/02/2012

    Looks like a complete tool.

    But, at the risk of getting some flack: the first video seems quite a funny observation by the critics. The second one is a bit over the top and not really...RD-esque. It's just too personal towards the player, no matter what he did in this match.

    In my own humble opinion off course.

  • rugby08
    7:30 PM 29/02/2012

    I hate all this tapping on the head shit people do. Ain't in the spirit of the game at all

  • xenophile
    7:25 PM 29/02/2012

    BANG ON Marto! Carter is a complete ass clown, and very ordinary player - you hit the nail on the head.

  • dangerwombat
    7:07 PM 29/02/2012

    Karma and all that

  • johndoe
    6:42 PM 29/02/2012

    What an ass. Brilliant!