Fri 16 Dec 2016 | 09:16
Player banned after filthy off the ball tackle on female referee


Without a doubt, one of the uglier incidents we've seen on a rugby field occurred recently in an Italian Serie A match between Valsugana Padova and Rugby Vicenza. A Vicenza player has been banned for 36 months for this dangerous, blind-side tackle on a female referee.

Bruno Andres Doglioli - who captains Vicenza - can be seen inexplicably charging into the back of match-day referee Maria Beatrice Benvenuti. The shot gave Benvenuti whiplash, but in true rugby form, she soldiered on to finish the match. 

Unbelievably, Doglioli was given a mere yellow card, but was later suspended by the club.

Thankfully, the Italian Rugby Federation stepped in to assess what, according to them, amounts to the harshest penalty handed out in the last 20 years:

"The Italian Rugby Federation would like to reiterate that this sanction - the heaviest in the last 20 years - underlines that when it comes to infringing the rules of the game and, above all, the fundamental values of our sport, we will show zero tolerance.

"It also underlines the FIR's firm stance against those who abuse, verbally or physically, match officials."

Amidst a host of other recent cheap and dirty plays, this incident also seems to be getting the kind of negative attention it deserves. This level of illegal behavior is simply inexusable and frankly, he's fortunate the ban was not longer. 


  • danknapp
    7:27 PM 19/12/2016

    What is this 'sex' thing of which you speak?

  • drg
    10:52 AM 19/12/2016

    Oh don't be so ridiculous!!! He's not French you know!

  • 10stonenumber10
    10:36 AM 19/12/2016

    Bright yellow shirt. No belly. Shoulders less than 6ft wide, and the only person on the field with a ponytail.

    End his career. Put him in a cell with thick-necks on a 10 stretch. They have mothers, sisters, wives, daughters... and would turn him into a "wife".

    Big Dunc was put in prison for "Goin in wa tha hid" on a football pitch, that is like shaking hands for a 90s Rangers striker. He got 3 months for that. No provocation in this incident though, so call it a minimum of 9 months.

  • drg
    1:35 AM 19/12/2016

    Concussion protocol? Perhaps he is one that requires saving through the new directives....


  • drg
    1:33 AM 19/12/2016

    Siggi, we try not to use the term 'sex' round here in respect for Dan... He's married you know....

  • jimmy23
    8:35 PM 18/12/2016

    I really don't think it can be anything than that. Unless if he is literally so stupid that he somehow thought one of the opposition players were in front of him or were about to receive the ball. But that's scraping the bottom of the barrel to the extent where you might as well have dug through the barrel and a further 10 meters underground.

  • 10stonenumber10
    8:25 PM 18/12/2016

    **puts on Cynic-Specs 5000 International edition**

    The most common argument for all-male refereeing in men's rugby is "What if the ref gets hit by a 19 stone lump?". I'm guessing the player doesn't respect equality and tried to prove a point. Us Rugby players are an open bunch, we pick up the baton of decency where football dropped it... but there are still some absolute W-Anchors out there.

    I know I have been quite quick to point the finger of blame recently, but how else can this be viewed other than a deliberate attempt to hurt someone?

  • reality
    6:56 PM 18/12/2016

    The fact that she's a woman makes it worse though because the amount of damage done to a woman by that act is greater than the damage that would be done to a male referee.

  • dancarter
    10:05 PM 17/12/2016

    His commitment to missing club games so he is as fresh and fit as possible for England games is incredible. He's managed to get more than a year's sabbatical if you add up all of his bans.

  • hoot
    9:16 PM 17/12/2016

    He brings a certain edge to his game...

  • hoot
    9:15 PM 17/12/2016

    Agree 100%, surely the sporting arena can't be a place that is completely outside the jurisdiction of common law? Would send a stronger signal than a 'mere' ban from the game.

  • facepalm
    6:34 PM 17/12/2016

    It is shocking regardless of gender.

    But I would be inclined to argue that intergender assault is far worse.

  • dancarter
    3:55 PM 17/12/2016

    England are probably considering him for captaincy post-Hartley.

  • jeri
    7:29 AM 17/12/2016

    What's the matter with this guy?

  • pgrugby
    2:35 AM 17/12/2016

  • pgrugby
    2:35 AM 17/12/2016

    My understanding is that the maximum ban the Italian Rugby Federation could give was 3 years, however that they would just keep extending it if he wished to come back after 3 years ... so basically a lifetime ban. Which he deserves.

  • jimmy23
    11:51 PM 16/12/2016

    "but in true rugby form, she soldiered on to finish the match."

    That's awesome, good on her. Although she suffered whiplash, it's great to see that even the most cheapest of shots this "man" had couldn't take her off the field immediately.

    I'm dumbfounded as to why/how this happened. The ball wasn't even anywhere near them! I quite literally, can't think of a way he could have even TRIED to defend his actions. Hopefully by the end of his 3 year ban he'll have lost the will to play.

  • danknapp
    9:10 PM 16/12/2016

    Agreed that three years isn't enough.

  • danknapp
    9:09 PM 16/12/2016

    I love the fact that you've correctly identified that I should have said it was her sex, not her gender. This is exactly the sort of petty attention to detail which makes the world go around.

  • finedisregard
    9:07 PM 16/12/2016

    Absolutely horrifying.

    This is of course antithetical to rugby culture. I'm not sure it is antithetical to Italian culture.

  • pdg
    8:07 PM 16/12/2016

    Should be banned for life and then put through the judicial system for aggravated assault

  • heavyhooker
    7:48 PM 16/12/2016

    If he comes back in three years I do not think his first game is going to be any sort of fun. If he has any brains he will stay off the pitch. What a low-brow

  • siggi
    6:28 PM 16/12/2016

    I Do agree with Guy & Wonder why the officials did not give him a life time BAN. With this tackle he could have wrecked any refs spine, no matter what sex this Person has (I Do prefer the term sex in here). Why didn't they do so?

  • drg
    6:20 PM 16/12/2016

    Wouldn't it have been a wonderful ending to the video to see a couple of oppositional and a couple of team mates just lay into that prick.

    This is abysmal for a start, I see what Dan means about the fact this is a woman is almost a moot point as anything like this on an official is terrible, but I disagree in the sense than it just goes to show how much of a prick that guy is an how low he is willing to go.

    If anyone knows this guy, tell him he's a bellend from me!

  • im1
    4:37 PM 16/12/2016

    kind of disagree, because I think the reason he did it was because of her gender. And that makes it worse as then its not just an attack on an official. 3 years isn't enough.

  • colombes
    4:24 PM 16/12/2016

    why the fuck..

  • guy
    4:22 PM 16/12/2016

    Have to agree with you, Tetley. This kind of tackle on a person that's not even expecting physical contact at all (since she's a referee, not a player) is so dangerous that I wouldn't have any problem with a lifetime ban.

  • danknapp
    3:14 PM 16/12/2016

    RD, we don't need to add 'female' to that headline. It's shocking regardless of her gender.

  • tetley03
    3:08 PM 16/12/2016

    I'm not sure 3 years is enough.