Tue 11 Feb 2014 | 04:49
Policeman tackles suspected criminal off bicycle


Earlier today we shared a link on our Facebook Page to this incredible tackle by a policeman in Sacramento. It proved to be popular so for those that missed what happened, here is an updated report on what went on before the big takedown.

The suspect, now named as 19 years old, attempted to flee from officers while they searched the area. His getaway vehicle of choice? A bicycle.

CBS news cameras were there to capture what happened next as the brave policeman dive-tackled the man onto the pavement with little regard for his own body. Backup arrived (including a neighbour in crocs), and they eventually subdued the man.

The police officer was reportedly treated for a wound to his face, while some of the other policemen and the helpful bystander had minor injuries. So if you ever wondered how to rugby tackle a man on a bicycle, there you go. It gives new meaning to the term tackling crime.

Original video on Sky News website


  • matt
    7:47 PM 27/02/2014

    Even if he didn't solve any problems, I still have a lot of time for people who are willing to throw themselves into a dangerous situation in order to help the right cause.

    Maybe should work on his execution though

  • stroudos
    12:54 PM 18/02/2014

    Bullshit, he was pulling the cop the wrong bloody way. policeman could have taken the crim down and landed on top of him, if it hadn't been for dopey Lewis from across the street hanging off his back.

    Unless of course you did indeed mean "added wait", as in the policeman had to wait for the other cops to arrive as he was no longer able to control the crim on his own...

  • cheyanqui
    2:10 PM 17/02/2014

    cops chasing a suspect get "minor injuries".. but if they were playing a sport, they'd magically pass a concussion test

  • cheyanqui
    2:07 PM 17/02/2014

    1:38 - as rough as Sac-town can be, there is always room for a hipster moustache

  • ronan
    5:08 PM 13/02/2014

    ye gotta love the yanks.....

  • stroudos
    1:07 PM 12/02/2014

    The bystander is a complete bellend. Bet the policeman loved having him clinging onto his chest and pulling him in the wrong direction while he was trying to subdue the suspect.....