Mon 7 Jan 2013 | 04:10
Rugby fan invades pitch to have a chat with the referee


This fan at the Racing Metro vs Agen Top 14 match decided that he'd take it upon himself to have a chat with the referee about some of his decisions. As you do.

Stadium security seemed a bit slow to react so before things got out of hand, the - possibly inebriated - fan was removed from the field by some of the players.

Luckily it ended without incident, unlike when a Springbok attacked the ref in 2002.


  • cheyanqui
    2:15 PM 17/02/2014

    looks like a Bond villain.

  • drifter
    12:22 PM 13/02/2014

    "Luckily it ended without incident, unlike when a Springbok attacked the ref in 2002."
    It was not a Springbok that invaded the pitch, but rather a spectator. Who can blame him after Dave McHugh made some calls that even Bryce & Poite would consider dodge...
    This is not a SA friendly site.

  • kadova
    9:35 PM 17/01/2013

    Thank you for posting know why :o)

  • lucius
    7:19 PM 07/01/2013

    With 30 big guys on the green you don't need'em

  • eggman
    6:34 PM 07/01/2013

    Haha French security at its best