Thu 17 Apr 2014 | 04:33
The Shortball from Rugby HQ - Round 9


It's not called Plays of the Week anymore but ahead of Round 10 of Super Rugby, Sean Maloney brings us all the best, biggest, worst and funniest from last weekend's Super Rugby action.


  • rugbydump
    6:13 PM 27/04/2014

    Wouldn't say better, but taking everything into account (see other comment), it's still pretty decent.

  • rugbydump
    6:12 PM 27/04/2014

    According to the man himself, putting together Plays of the Week was simply taking up too much time. Sean doesn't only sit around creating Plays - he's also a producer, puts together weekly segments, and is also a commentator.

    'The Shortball' is a compromise, and gets pretty close to the original Plays of the Week given schedules and time constraints etc.

    That said, Plays of the Week probably was better, but it's just a few minutes of an hour long weekly show for Australian tv.

  • mastersa
    8:49 PM 22/04/2014

    Rugby HQ was like the top gear of car shows. It wasn't solely about the rugby but also about the lads being lads. What I mean is non PC, jouvinile, self deprecating and generally enjoying themselves having a laugh. Nothing like it in northern hemisphere. Hate to see it going bland.

  • stroudos
    7:55 AM 22/04/2014

    Couldn't agree more with the sentiment though!

    Watching Sean Maloney presenting deadpan to camera, without any of the studio banter, is such a deflating feeling. It's like whenever Shane Williams used to kick instead of going on a run.

  • danknapp
    11:16 AM 21/04/2014

    I think RD was just pointing out that your analysis of the malaise affecting modern sports broadcasting lacked editorial balance, dare I say even opening you to the charge of bias. I for one think your summary was masterful and accurate, even if your use of colourful language might offend younger readers or footballers.

  • rufio
    6:59 PM 19/04/2014

    why, do you think its better??

  • rugbydump
    1:24 PM 18/04/2014

    Rufio, why not tell us what you really think?

  • rufio
    4:18 AM 18/04/2014

    Wow, how downhill has this show gone?? CGI, Scripted lines, cheesy camera angles, focusing on the games!!!!! PLEASE. GIVE US BACK THE OLD SHOW. Wheres the banter. Wheres the tries. Wheres the HITS? Not 1 mention of a Falcon, Piggies vs Princess's or CHEERLEADERS!!! FML. Perfectly good example of some fucking do gooding TV exec thinking they could make the show better by giving it some content/format and moving it into the 21st Century. Well that TV exec can suck my COCK!!