Thu 12 Jan 2017 | 09:22
Two players singled out in French second division mass brawl


ProD2, the French second division, returned with a bang as Colomiers beat bottom of the table Bourgoin 42-5 in a one sided encounter. With Colomiers leading comfortably late on, an off-the-ball scuffle between a few players quickly escalated into a full-on mass brawl.

The incident forced referee Ludovic Carrillo to stop play as both teams got stuck in.

In what the French call a "baggare général", these ugly scenes marred the closing minutes. Several punches were thrown, with some landing with force.

Justifiably, the two main insitgators Damien Weber (Colomiers) and Jean-François Roux (Bourgoin) were shown yellow cards for their punches. As of yet, neither player has been cited.

Were yellow cards the right decision?


  • 4:37 PM 17/01/2017

    Wow, my French was just shameful there. Having spoken the language for nearly 15 years, I can't believe I a) mis-spelt bagarre and b) thought for some reason it was masculine!

    Excusez-moi, j'ai la honte ;)

  • stroudos
    7:44 AM 13/01/2017

    Translation of the Parlez-vous Rugby clip:

    80 minutes of pure fucking manic aggression lads.

    I think that was the general gist of it anyway. ;)

  • jimmy23
    2:17 PM 12/01/2017

    lol I remember the media circus that school boy fight caused in NZ.

  • oliver
    1:51 PM 12/01/2017

    hahaha je l'avais vu Parlez-vous rugby, mais on s'en lasse pas !!

  • drg
    11:52 AM 12/01/2017

    Ahhhh D2. Whenever shit just gets stupid D2 reminds us all what rugby used to be like!

    Not a bowl of cous cous in miles!!

  • danknapp
    11:04 AM 12/01/2017

    So... this French rugby is a bit violent then, eh?

    *grabs popcorn and waits for the fun to start*